Sunday, September 7, 2008

What Druids?

A thoughtful and thought-provoking piece from Bo on why modern Druidry really doesn't have anything to do with Druids at all.

This is something I have thought a lot about. I belong to ADF and I find the tenets of modern neo-druidry appealing but I was always uncomfortable with idea of actually calling myself a Druid. There is just too much we don't know about them and what we DO know tells us that the amount of lore and knowledge they were required to learn puts the title completely out of reach for most modern pagans.


Bo said...

Ta for the link. As you say re: the amount of knowledge - I can hazard a good guess as to what at least some of that 20 year curriculum was (aristocratic genealogy, placename lore) but most of it is beyond even guesswork.

Lena said...

No problem. Your blog is one of my faves. How I wish we had a curriculum!